The author I'm bringing to you today is Talia Hibbert. She has become more well known with her Brown Sisters series, but she has been in the game for quite some time now.
My love story with Hibbert's books began with a gorgeous novel called A Girl Like Her. It is the first book in the Ravenswood series.
I loved this book for many reasons. Like I mentioned before, the MC is a Black female on the Autism spectrum. However, I also loved this book because Ruth has family that does not give up on her and are quirky and lovable on their own. And Evan. I loved Evan. I loved him for his emotions, for his patience (though, if you were to ask him, there was no thanks needed because he just is with Ruth), and ultimately for his ability to think about people other than himself. I love that in my imaginary and real people.
Then there are the books that Hibbert has become widely known for, the Brown Sisters series. With this we have: Get a Life, Chloe Brown, Take a Hint, Dani Brown, and Act Your Age, Eve Brown.
Each of these books stole my heart for different reasons. If you look about Instagram and people's posts about these stories, you'll find that people try and identify which Brown sister they are most like. I, to my great amusement, am a bit of each for various reasons. However, if I were like any sister...I'm an Eve, through and through.
These books are funny and heartfelt. Eve Brown in particular really hit me. It is not difficult to identify with feelings of doubt, not being good enough, or not trusting your own judgement because of what others have told you in the past.
Just like in A Girl Like Her, the leading men in each of these stories has their own emotional journey. They are, or eventually become, comfortable with talking about their own fears and doubts. The men in Talia Hibbert's world are allowed to feel and communicate and I love it.
Something to add about Hibbert is that her books ALWAYS have a list of possible trigger warnings at the beginning of the book (I wish more authors would do this). And also, do not let the cartoon covers fool you - these books are damn sexy and a bit dirty in the best of ways.
Hibbert has many other stories that I have yet to read (and a novella entitled Mating the Huntress that I have read and thoroughly enjoyed. It's Halloween themed!). Believe me when I say this, I will read them all. And you know what? You should try them out too ;)