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The stories within In the Mad Mountains have a range as we flow through Lansdale's imagination. There is definitely a mix of the Lovecraftian "vibes" and stories that we may have heard of - but now with a twist. What readers will get from this collection of 8 stories is a journey through real madness as we see characters that are familiar to us and others that are new to us navigate the clear insanity of their environments and each other.
One thing to keep in mind is that readers of Lovecraft may be looking to see something akin to comsic horror. But remember, this isn't a Lovecraft piece, this is a Lansdale piece and so you should expect all other kinds of horror - which was a big plus in my book!
It's more difficult for me to review a collection of stories because even the smallest bit of information can influence a reader. But I will say this - The Bleeding Shadow was definitely one of my favorites as it combines that Lovecraftian feel with a deal with the devil. I love me some crossroads demon stories!
If you are a horror fan, I encourage you to pick this up! If you are a Lovecraft fan - please also pick it up, but understand that this is still very much an independent piece from Lovecraft.
Be wary of those dark depths....but enjoy the journey!